The Learning Library General Topics Academic Support Resources for the Class of 2028 [PDF]McGraw for Undergraduates [PDF]7 Strategies for Success [PDF]First-Year Checklist for a Smooth Transition to Princeton [PDF]How People Learn: Common Beliefs vs. Research [PDF]McGraw for Team Captains [PDF]Making the Transition to College [PDF]Putting Your Extracurricular Skills to Use in Your Studies [PDF]Technology Tips: Studying in the 21st Century [PDF]Encountering and Overcoming Princeton’s Academic Challenges: Stories From Learning ConsultantsHow to work effectively while travelingSeven Steps to Adapt Your Learning to Remote, Online CoursesSuggestions for Holding a Virtual Writing/Learning/Study GroupCourse-Specific Study Groups: Guidelines for Running Effective, Efficient Groups Time Management A Semester On A Page [download writable calendar] [PDF]Feeling Burnt Out or Depleted? Procrastinating? Break the Avoidance Cycle. [PDF]Get the Most Out of Your Study Time [PDF]Making Your Time More Productive [PDF]Maximizing Your Academic Productivity When Traveling [PDF]Principles of Effective Time Management for Balance, Well-being, and Success [PDF]Semester Planning and Time Management [PDF]Structuring Your Time [PDF]Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination [PDF]Video: Hidden Key to Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination [video link]Weekly Schedule and Goals Template [PDF] Weekly Schedule Guide Goals Template Guide Creating a Weekly RoutineUsing Your McGraw Timer Cube - for the Pomodoro Method and Beyond Learning & Succeeding Learning Support Network [PDF]Listen Actively and Take Great Notes [PDF]Participating in Class Discussion: Contributions that Count [PDF]Phases of Efficient Academic Learning to Perform on Exams [PDF]Preparing for Precepts, Seminars, and other Discussion-based Classes [PDF]Principles of Learning Derived from Cognitive Psychology Research: How to Think About Academic Learning [PDF]Study Group Handout [PDF]Tips for Foreign Language Study [PDF]Using GAI to support engagement, learning, studying and exam prep in your coursework [PDF]What To Do the First Week (and Beyond) [PDF] Reading Active Reading Strategies: Remember and Analyze What You Read [PDF] Active Reading of Textbooks [PDF] Blueprinting Your Courses [PDF] Strategic Approach to Effective and Efficient Reading [PDF] Exams Advice for Approaching Open Book/Open Note/Take Home Exams [PDF] Analyzing Returned Exams to Prepare for Final Exams [PDF] Analyzing Your Problem-Solving Exam [PDF] Exam Success: Learning from Exams [PDF] Exam Success: Taking Exams [PDF] Preparing for Exams [PDF] Preparing for Princeton Midterms: Practice Performing, Don't Just Review [PDF] Preparing for Finals [PDF] Strive for Excellence Not Perfection on Dean's Date Assignments and Final Exams [PDF] What Can I Do NOW to Prepare Myself for Dean's Date and Final Exams? [PDF] Independent Work Mastering Independent Work (JPs and senior theses) [PDF] Breaking Down Large Projects Into Manageable Pieces [PDF] Senior Thesis On A Page [PDF] Wellbeing and Wellness An experimental study of the impact of exercise on students’ focus. Learn to breathe more intentionally and effectively with these exercises. Reduce Stress - Managing iPhone Usage