April 17, 2024 Princeton's compressed semester and relatively little class time makes the lead up to finals particularly demanding. Given final projects and papers too, there simply isn't enough time at the end of the term—and during reading period--to do all the studying you need to do well on finals. And, Dean's Date poses its own unique challenges. At this juncture in the semester, you can anticipate your future studying and practice for finals by taking doable steps that will not only be beneficial now, but will be very helpful during finals period. Use McGraw resources so that the coming weeks are less stressful and more successful. Tutoring: Keep up on course material and p-sets, and work with your tutor NOW to extend your knowledge to prepare for exam-level problems. Learning Consultations: Make an appointment to wrap up the semester strong and make to time in your schedule NOW for weekly review. Creating a plan for incorporating organizational and study strategies on a weekly basis, getting started on projects, and identifying and focusing on the most important course content/materials can reduce the demands caused by the bottleneck of final projects and papers coupled with preparing final exams. Academic Strategies Workshops: Sign up NOW for our workshop, “Planning for Dean’s Date & Finals” and watch recorded sessions on studying, time management, overcoming procrastination, etc. Use our detailed advice about what you can do know to prepare in this handout.