Teaching at Princeton Find teaching best practices based on scholarly work on pedagogy and student learning, including Course and Syllabus Design, Assessment and Grading, Evaluations, and University Teaching Policies. Course and Syllabus Design Ideas to enhance active learning and assessment for designing a new course or redesigning one you have taught previously. Assessment Design and Grading Creating coursework assignments, including group/peer work and digital assignments, and best practices with grading Teaching Evaluations and Using Feedback Designing mid-semester evaluations and using end-of-semester reviews to improve your teaching Teaching Equitably and Inclusively Princeton’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is an essential part of its mission. University Teaching Policies University policies on teaching, grading, and use of graduate and undergraduate assistants in teaching Mid-Semester Course Evaluations More and more instructors are finding mid-semester evaluations a valuable resource for their teaching. Unlike the evaluations completed at the conclusion of a course, feedback from students midway through the semester provides information that can lead to mid-course adjustments, yielding a better experience for both instructors and students. Using Mid-Semester Course Evaluations Student Questionnaire Template Student Rating Form Professional Development Writing Teaching Statements and Philosophies Preparing to Write a Teaching Statement Statement of Teaching Philosophy - Questions to Consider “How Would You Teach This Class”? Writing Recommendation Letters My Professional Development Portfolio Participation in McGraw pedagogy programs is recorded and a portfolio of participation available online through the My Professional Development Portfolio link, also accessible as a professional development pull-down menu from TigerHub.