The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning encourages the exploration of digital technologies with an emphasis on tools that encourage active, collaborative, and creative teaching and learning. We not only offer advice on the effective use of technology but also assist in the development of online courses and new digital projects. We work with campus partners to connect faculty members with the most effective resources and expertise. The McGraw Center encourages a critical reflection and discussion concerning the impact and merits of digital tools and the teaching methodologies afforded by those tools. Take Advantage of Canvas Canvas is a robust and intuitive online platform for teaching and learning. Faculty can use their Canvas course sites to communicate with students, share syllabi and course materials, create opportunities for collaboration and activities like peer review, social annotations, and asynchronous discussions, and assess student understanding through assignments and quizzes. Explore Purposeful Uses of Technology Educational technology can be a great asset to your Princeton class depending on your teaching goals and assessment strategies. The McGraw Center strives to provide tools and technologies in support of teaching and learning and to foster a dialogue around the purposeful and thoughtful uses of technology in higher education. Request a McGraw Commons Course Website McGraw Commons is an online publishing platform for teaching and learning, supporting the shared creation of projects as learning activity. Sites developed with McGraw Commons can be kept private to participants of a course or made available publicly. Create Digital Assignments Course-based digital projects can encourage creativity, collaboration, and provide opportunities to explore multiple literacies, writing for public audiences, and the effective presentation of critical and community-engaged scholarship. Develop an Open, Online Course Online courses developed by the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning are taught by Princeton faculty from across the University’s divisions. Making Your Course Accessible The McGraw Center is committed to ensuring that all students can fully learn and thrive at Princeton. We offer guidance to faculty who seek to improve the accessibility of digital teaching materials, like syllabi, readings and videos. Additional Resources Thinking of teaching with Clickers? Consult the Canvas Field Guide for more information about using the iClicker Cloud audience response system. Teaching with Online Exhibits Adaptive Teaching Guide, a comprehensive guide to online, in-person or dual-modality teaching from Rice University L2Remote explores a series of questions relating to second language (L2) remote pedagogy, including practical suggestions, advice from instructors, and suggested readings from the published research.