Many in the Princeton community contribute to the field’s scholarly understanding of higher education and student learning in the classroom. The following are peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations co-authored by Princeton instructors and staff. Contact us if you have a relevant paper or project to add. Castillo, Wendy (2023). "Teaching How to Use Numbers as a Tool for Justice," Times Higher Education. Dutta & Arnold (2022). Illuminating the Role of Classmates in Reducing the Participation Gender Gap in Lecture-Based Engineering Classes, IEEE Transactions on Education. Kahn, Vertesi, Adriaenssens, Byeon, Fixdal, Godfrey, Lumbroso, & Wagoner (2022), IEEE, The Impact of Online STEM Teaching and Learning During COVID-19 on Underrepresented Students’ Self-Efficacy and Motivation. Wang, Malik & Valavi (2021). Increasing Student Engagement and Community Virtually in an Introductory STEM Class, Pandemic Research Symposium. Photo by Princeton University, Office of Communications, Nicole Guglielmo (2018)