In doctoral education, students spend the majority of their time in their programs after they complete coursework. For STEM trainees these years are generally spent in lab settings and working with mentors and other trainees in collaborative teams. For Humanities and certain Social Sciences trainees, the time spent on independent research and dissertation work is often solitary. In both contexts, the mentoring relationship is essential. Ideally, it is with their primary advisors and mentors that research trainees develop knowledge, skills, and field-specific expertise; receive timely and useful guidance and feedback on their work; socialize into their disciplines; grow their professional networks; and learn and practice strategies to flourish while pursuing personal and professional goals. The final stage of dissertation planning and writing is perhaps the most crucial–and challenging–for many graduate students. Mentors can help students to set goals for themselves and structure their time so that they successfully complete and defend their dissertations, while also developing professional skills. Finally, as students enter the job market, mentors can support them in job searches both within and beyond academia (Pifer & Baker 19-22). Best Practices We encourage you to conceive of mentoring as both a practice and a process that is dynamic and reciprocal. Though there is no singular "best" or "right" way to mentor, the literature suggests several general approaches to promote effective, ethical, and intentional mentoring. With these in mind, we recommend that you aspire to be a mentor who isAffirming Support your mentees, encourage them to create their own paths and to question, critique, and even "fail" in order to make progress. Also express confidence in them and tell them (more than once!) that you believe in their capacity to succeed.ExplicitMake your approach to mentoring clear–both to yourself and your mentees–and commit to communicating candidly and consistently regarding the following:Expectations Related to progress and "milestones" (e.g., course completion, General Exams, and dissertation proposals)Projects, conference presentations, and publications. (i.e., What is reasonable at various stages of their program?)Timeline(s) for program completion (i.e., What is typical, and what variables can affect an estimated timeline?)Work-related practices and policies (e.g., hours spent in the lab, remote work options, time off, vacation, and holidays) CollaborationSee the "Mentoring Agreements" tab. Creating a tailored agreement with each mentee can align your mentoring approach with individual mentee's interests and needs. Such a document can also help to hold you and your mentees accountable to your commitments.Consider developing a lab manual if you are mentoring in a STEM field. See "Growing Healthy Labs" tab. This kind of document can be especially helpful for people new to your team, while also ensuring that everyone has equitable access to up-to-date and accurate information.BoundariesWhat are your preferences regarding communication formats and norms?Do you share your cell phone # with mentees?How frequently do you like to meet with mentees, and does this vary depending on what they're working on or where they are in their program?Do you have "standing" meetings with a larger group, such as weekly lab meetings? And if so, what do these entail, who decides, and is an agenda disseminated before-hand?How quickly do you typically respond to email?Does your lab use a Slack channel or some other form of digital communication? If so, have you explained the rationale behind its use, and what the objectives are?Will/do you socialize with mentees outside of the classroom, department, or lab setting? If so, how? And is this equitable and ethical?Responsive Your mentoring should ideally be tailored to the specific needs, interests, and goals of each mentee. Mentees have diverse identities and educational backgrounds, and learning as much as you can about them, their strengths, and their areas for growth, will benefit both of you. Like all relationships, a mentoring dyad is unique and not a "one size fits all." Remember that your mentees are likely very different from you, and they are different from each other, as well. Here are some suggestions:Be flexible. Your work with mentees will evolve over time, and one of the best ways you can support mentees' growth is to be flexible as they develop personally and professionally. During grad school, their research focus or living situation may change; they may get sick and need to take a medical leave; they may become a parent or take on other family care-giving responsibilities; and there may even be a global pandemic. For lots of good reasons, mentees will need you to be understanding, flexible, and able to meet them where they are, especially when unexpected challenges arise.Provide effective, timely, and SMART feedback. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These criteria can help you and your mentee define what you hope to achieve together, how to measure progress, how realistic the goal is, how it aligns with values and vision, and when you both plan to accomplish it. By setting SMART goals, you can track progress, celebrate your mentee's successes, and identify areas for growth.Ask your mentees to give you feedback, as well. You can learn with and from them as you refine your mentoring practice. You can also show them the value of soliciting feedback from others by doing this yourself in your interactions with them. Remember that you are in a unique position to role-model strategies for "success" in academia, and showing mentees that you admit mistakes, seek constructive criticism, and lean into collaborative problem-solving rather than avoiding conflict can help them to practice these life-skills, as well. ReflectiveJust as teaching is a skill that one can learn and sharpen over time, so, too, is mentoring. We recommend that in the same way that you allocate time to your scholarship, teaching, and service, you also set aside time to think about and plan for your work as a mentor. This could take many forms, such as:keeping a mentoring journalreviewing and updating your statement of mentoring philosophy each year. See "Developing a Philosophy" tab.taking a workshop or course on evidence-based mentoringcreating a "mentoring circle" with faculty peers to meet regularly, share lessons learned, discuss challenges, and support one anotherusing an existing instrument to assess your developing skills. See "tools to help and assess your development as a mentor" under the "References and Additional Resources" tab.surveying your mentees with specific questions about your approach and actions as a mentoror any number of other creative ways to reflect on your mentoringThe idea is that you are intentional about this work, and that you celebrate your own successes as a mentor while also identifying areas for improvement. . . . Just as you'd do for your mentees! Developing a Philosophy The concept of a statement of mentoring philosophy is loosely based on statements of teaching philosophy. It's meant as a work-in-progress document in which you articulate your beliefs about mentoring and approach to working with mentees. As you develop your mentoring practice your philosophy will likely evolve, but crafting a preliminary statement can help make your path more clear and navigable. A relatively small investment of your time in reflecting and writing can reap substantial rewards for you and your mentees going forward. Questions to consider when developing your mentoring philosophy How does your belief system(s), background, lived experiences, identity/ties, etc. affect your mentoring actions and decisions? What are your goals and expectations of yourself as a mentor? What do you do as a mentor to achieve these goals and expectations? What are your expectations of and for your mentees? How do you see your–and your mentees’–roles and responsibilities? What are your overarching goals for your mentees' development and professional growth? How do your actions support your mentees’ learning and development? How do you manage conflict, miscommunication, and/or other "bumps in the road"? What do you do to reflect on your own growth as a mentor and ensure ongoing improvement? Example Statements Pranesh Aswath, University of Texas at ArlingtonMatthew Allen, Wayne State UniversityChristine Chow, Wayne State UniversityTrina McMahon, University of Wisconsin-MadisonMatthew Ohland, Purdue UniversityMoin Sayed, University of Minnesota Additional tools to for developing your Mentoring Philosophy Conceptualizing and Writing a Statement of Mentoring Philosophy, University of PittsburghCreating a Mentoring Philosophy Statement, Ohio State UniversityDeveloping a Mentoring Philosophy(excerpt from Entering Mentoring by Christine Pfund, Janet Branchaw, and Jo Handelsman, W. H. Freeman & Company, 2014). Mentoring Agreements In addition to writing a statement of mentoring philosophy, we recommend co-constructing a mentoring compact, or "agreement" with mentees to promote inclusivity and equity by making mentor and mentee goals and related activities explicit. The document can take many forms, and can be referred to and revised over time. When developing one with a mentee, you will likely want to address the following topics and related questions (adapted from the University of Pittsburgh):Goals - What goals do you both have for the mentoring relationship? What skills and knowledge are needed to make progress toward these goals? What are the steps necessary for your mentee to acquire these skills and knowledge? How can you best assist with this?Expectations - What do the two of you expect of each other, and of yourselves in this partnership? Are these expectations feasible and complementary? And if not, how might you bring them into alignment? In addition, how will you know when you are meeting the expectations you've set for yourselves, and/or veering off the path that you had planned?Processes and logistics - What are your preferred ways and modes of communicating? How frequently will you meet, and who will schedule meetings and set agendas so that your time together is useful? Will you meet in-person, virtually, or both? How long will meetings generally take? Are there other (lab or departmental) policies, procedures, or activities that your mentee should know about or participate in?Evaluation and continued development - How will you assess your mentoring collaboration over time and know if it is effective? If and when questions or issues arise, how will you address or resolve them? What are your plans for ending or finishing the mentoring relationship when your mentee graduates or moves on, and/or the relationship has achieved its goals, run its course, or is not working? Examples of Mentoring Agreements Three Examples of Mentoring agreements Mentor-Mentee Compact, Trina McMahon, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Tools to help you craft a Mentoring Agreement Mentorship Compacts and Individual Development Plans, Perelman School of Medicine, University of PennsylvaniaDeveloping Shared Expectations, University of Michigan, Rackham Graduate School Growing Healthy Labs If you are a PI, fostering a positive climate and culture in your lab is arguably one of your most important jobs. A positive lab environment leads to happier lab members, and since one of the biggest predictors of grad student burnout is how supported students feel, attending to the people in your lab and how they work together is essential (Ogilvie et al.). Leading a lab certainly has particular challenges, but it also affords many distinctive opportunities. We hope that these “best practices” and the resources below can guide your approach. Implement inclusive application and hiring processes Create a lab manual (to articulate expectations, boundaries, etc.) Examples of Lab Manuals How to Create a Lab Manual - Georgia Tech & Emory University Pine Lab (Prof. Lauren Gabard-Durnam, Northeastern University) Aly Lab (Prof. Mariam Aly, Columbia University) Clarify expectations Promote safety and well-being Offer professional development opportunities Emphasize collaboration, not competition References and Additional Resources For Mentors Here at Princeton:Advising and Resources for Faculty - Princeton Graduate School Mentoring Best Practices (a self-paced, asynchronous course for Princeton Faculty - coming soon!)From Peer Institutions and Other Organizations:A Mentoring Guidebook for Faculty - Case Western Reserve University Advising and Mentoring Resources for Faculty - The Graduate School at Brown UniversityCenter for Evidence-based Mentoring CIMER: Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research Culturally Aware Mentoring Entering Mentoring: A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Scientists - Handelsman et al. (downloadable .pdf)How to Mentor Graduate Students: A Guide for Faculty - University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School) Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty - Howard Hughes Medical Institute (downloadable .pdf)Mentoring Guide for Faculty - University of Washington National Research Mentoring Network Nature’s Guide for MentorsOnline Mentoring Center - The University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of MedicineThe Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM Online GuideThe Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM podcasts - National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineTools to help you assess your development as a mentor:Mentor Evaluation Form examples - University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational ResearchMentoring Competency Assessment (a self-assessment tool) - University of Wisconsin-Madison For Mentees Here at Princeton:Learning Mentoring - This is an 8-session virtual course on effective mentoring offered by McGraw and open to all STEM grad students and postdocs each Spring term. In it, we explore evidence-based "best practices" for intentional and inclusive mentoring, as well as field-tested ways to develop a reflective and inclusive personal style. There is also ample time for participants to develop their mentoring skills in a supportive and collaborative community of peers.Advising Resources for Students - Princeton's Graduate School websiteGrad Peer Coaching - free, confidential, 1:1 coaching sessions available to all interested grad students for support with navigating all aspects of life and learning at PrincetonDiscerning Dissertating - sequence of four seminars (6 sessions each) to support dissertators in Humanities and Social Science departmentsPrinceton's Postdoctoral Council - a group initiated and run by postdoctoral scholars, with online and in-person resources for them and their familiesFrom Peer Institutions and Other Organizations:Graduate Student Mentoring Guide: A Guide for Students - University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School - importance of mentoring in graduate education, as well as developing shared expectations; professional relationships; and inclusive mentoring practices. Also includes advice on initial meetings and how graduate programs can encourage community-wide mentoring.My IDP - for crafting an "Individual Development Plan" with your STEM menteesImaginePhD - a career exploration and planning tool for Humanities and Social Sciences grad students; site includes free tools to assess interests, skills, and valuesNCFDD - all Princeton faculty, grad students, postdocs, and staff have access to this online resource; includes an asynchronous "Dissertation Success Curriculum" with 12 short online modules students can access for freeNCFDD's Mentoring Map - a tool for mentees to identify the multiple mentors in their network, as well as areas where more mentoring is neededPostdoc Academy - "a comprehensive online and in-person program built on the National Postdoctoral Association core competencies to support skill development throughout postdoc training, from orientation to next career step."While mentoring undergraduates is an important and memorable capstone experience to their undergraduate career, the mentoring that faculty do with graduate students is often at the very foundation of graduate students’ studies across the different stages of their programs.Questions to Manage your Mentoring Relationship (for mentees) - University of California, San Francisco