Create Digital Assignments

Digital course projects can provide students with opportunities to work collaboratively, explore multiple literacies, write for public audiences, and to effectively present critical, creative, and community-engaged scholarship. Digital project assignments are often offered in addition to more traditional writing assignments and assessments, but can build upon those other activities by allowing students to bring their own backgrounds, interests, and skills into their scholarly work. The development of meaningful digital projects can enhance the sense of belonging to a learning community and provide a departure from the more familiar lecture-study-test routine.

As with other types of assignments, multimedia assignments should help to further the learning goals of the course. The McGraw Center's Digital Learning & Design group partners with Princeton faculty to develop digital assignments in light of these goals, and to select specific digital tools and software. The McGraw Center's Digital Learning Lab can provide assistance and training to both students and faculty in-class or in the state-of-the-art Digital Learning Lab, a classroom space built specifically to support multimedia and digital course assignments.


Blogs are versatile platforms for a variety of course assignments. With support for tags and categories, and integrated with the Campus login system, blogs can be used to highlight student writing or showcase student project work.

Blogging Assignment Guide Mcgraw Commons


Podcasting assignments can encourage creativity, collaboration, and provide a sense of community in your course while at the same time, giving students opportunities to practice writing and presentation skills, and providing valuable experience expressing themselves through multimedia. Contact the Digital Learning Lab to learn more or to arrange for equipment and training.

Podcasting Assignment Guide

Digital Exhibits and Archives

Curate digital assets from the Princeton University Library, the Princeton Art Museum, or from other sources to create thematic exhibits.

McGraw Commons Exhibit Assignment Guide Archive Assignment Guide

Teach with Collections

IIIF technologies make the Princeton Library digital collections interoperable with archives and collections from around the world. Course assignments that focus on digital collections provide opportunities for image annotation, juxtaposition, transcription, and translation.

Storymaps and Digital Storytelling

Storymaps combine text and other forms of media, including maps, to create multimedia essays. Other forms of digital storytelling lead viewers through map-based expositions or sequential image annotation.

Storymap Assignment Guide Image-based Storytelling Image Annotation

Social Annotation

Tools for social annotation, including Perusall and Hypothesis, both available through the Canvas Learning Management System, open new avenues for critical reading, collaborative analysis, an communication.

Social Annotation

Video Assignments

The development of podcasts and video provide alternative form of scholarly expression. The McGraw Digital Learning Lab offers training, equipment, and help with designing successful video assignments

Video Assignment Guide

Maps and Timelines

Creating maps and timelines can provide a shared context for learning

Annotated maps Storymaps Assignment Guide Timelines

Custom platforms and websites

The McGraw Center's Digital Learning and Design group works with instructors to create custom platforms for teaching and learning including interactive textbooks, instructional platforms, and video tutorials. Contact Mona Fixdal ([email protected]) to learn more.

The Digital Learning Lab (DLL)

The McGraw Center’s Digital Learning Lab (DLL) is a technology-rich teaching and learning space in the Lewis Science Library that supports the use of and critical reflection upon digital tools and resources in Princeton coursework. With an experienced staff and community of students, the DLL serves as a flexible space for interdisciplinary dialogues around digital pedagogy, or teaching and learning with technology. The DLL actively supports courses with unconventional formats, innovative course assignments, and/or co-curricular digital learning components, such as podcasting,  video production, and other digital projects. 

Read more at the DLL website

McGraw's Digital Learning Lab newly renovated

Contact Us

To learn more about integrating a digital project or assignment into your course, see our Digital Assignments Guides, reach out to the McGraw Center's Digital Learning & Design group, or  Digital Learning Lab