Programs and Events for Postdocs

Events List

Faculty Discussion: Cultivating a Climate of Inclusion in Polarizing Times
Sep 17, 2024, 4:30 pm
What does a “climate of inclusion” mean for us as educators? How can we create a climate of inclusion in our classrooms, labs, studios, and precepts? How might a climate of inclusion enable us to ask hard questions and to challenge one another with civility and respect? Join us as we explore these questions and more with Townsend Martin, Class of…
Online Event
Faculty Discussion: Teaching in Community - Using Group Work
Sep 18, 2024, 12:00 pm
Group work can be a wonderful way for students to engage our course content and learn from each other, but successful implementation requires purpose and planning. In this session, we will explore approaches to group work, from the preparation and execution to assessment.
Frist Campus Center, Room 329
Faculty Presentation: Digital Project Tools - A Sampler
Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 pm
Digital assignments, such as websites, podcasts, storymaps, and videos, give students opportunities to put their learning into practice, encouraging them to engage with course materials in new and creative ways. Such assignments can provide opportunities for students to think critically about the use of technology in scholarly work, to create…
Online Event